martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Event Horizon Audio - Welcome

Event Horizon Audio is a one man-band, solo project of composer / sound artist Juan Carlos Vásquez

Click here to download the first EP for free !

In this blog, you will find a detailed description of each song of the EHA's first album, including composition techniques, pictures and videos. Any questions and comments will be appreciated. Enjoy !

 Album Cover

Back / Credits

More about Juan Carlos Vásquez:

04 - Acid Fate

Acid Fate is a song by Industrial Metal band "Legacy of Fire" from Bogotá, Colombia.

Juan Carlos Vásquez, the sole creative force behind Event Horizon Audio, is also the main composer of LOF, so he wrote this instrumental, entirely electronic version as a bonus track for the first EHA's album.

  04 - Acid Fate by eventhorizonaudio

More about Legacy of Fire
Legacy of Fire on Reverbnation

03 - Drum 'n' Glass

Drum 'n' Glass, track three of the EHA's album, combines sound design, concrete music and twelve-tone serialism as well.

Several samples of liquid flowing and broken glasses are often used, manipulated with many audio signal processing techniques. Other complex textures are created using audio samples of common objects as a radio, white and pink noises, etc.

All pitches and melodies (except for the bass fundamentals) were built using a 12 tone row with some of the many variations proposed by Schoenberg's twelve-tone technique.

Arnold Schoenberg

 Drum 'n' Glass was originally composed for Bleu Dance Studio and recorded in a forthcoming videoclip

Listen to Drum 'n' Glass

. 03 - Drum 'n' Glass by eventhorizonaudio

More about Twelve-Tone technique:
Twelve-Tone Technique
Dan Román
Trinity College, Connecticut

More about Concrete Music:
The Art of Noise
Futurist Manifesto
Luigi Russolo

02 - Ars Poetica

Track number two, "Ars Poetica" uses fragments of the poem "Arte Poética" by one of the most remarkable creative minds in Latin America, Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. The voice in the recording belongs to Borges himself.

Jorge Luis Borges

Ars Poetica (Translation):

To gaze at a river made of time and water
And remember Time is another river.
To know we stray like a river
and our faces vanish like water.

To feel that waking is another dream
that dreams of not dreaming and that the death
we fear in our bones is the death
that every night we call a dream.

To see in every day and year a symbol
of all the days of man and his years,
and convert the outrage of the years
into music, a sound, and a symbol.

To see in death a dream, in the sunset
a golden sadness--such is poetry,
humble and immortal, poetry,
returning, like dawn and the sunset.

Sometimes in the evening there's a face
that sees us from the depths of a mirror.
Art must be that sort of mirror,
disclosing to each of us his face.

They say Ulysses, wearied of wonders,
wept with love on seeing Ithaca,
humble and green. Art is that Ithaca,
a green eternity, not wonders.

Art is endless like a river flowing,
passing, yet remaining, a mirror to the same
inconstant Heraclitus, who is the same
and yet another, like the river flowing.

Arte Poética (Original version):

Mirar el río hecho de tiempo y agua
y recordar que el tiempo es otro río,
saber que nos perdemos como el río
y que los rostros pasan como el agua.

Sentir que la vigilia es otro sueño
que sueña no soñar y que la muerte
que teme nuestra carne es esa muerte
de cada noche, que se llama sueño.

Ver en el día o en el año un símbolo
de los días del hombre y de sus años,
convertir el ultraje de los años
en una música, un rumor y un símbolo,

ver en la muerte el sueño, en el ocaso
un triste oro, tal es la poesía
que es inmortal y pobre. La poesía
vuelve como la aurora y el ocaso.

A veces en las tardes una cara
nos mira desde el fondo de un espejo;
el arte debe ser como ese espejo
que nos revela nuestra propia cara.

Cuentan que Ulises, harto de prodigios,
lloró de amor al divisar su Itaca
verde y humilde. El arte es esa Itaca
de verde eternidad, no de prodigios.

También es como el río interminable
que pasa y queda y es cristal de un mismo
Heráclito inconstante, que es el mismo
y es otro, como el río interminable.

Listen to track number two, Ars Poetica by Event Horizon Audio:

02 - Ars Poetica by eventhorizonaudio

Listen to the full original poem - Youtube (Spanish): 

01. Lambda - Fractal Music

01. Lambda - Fractal Music

The first track in the EHA's album, "Lambda" was created using techniques related to Algorithmic composition, using specialized software in order to create a series of symbols, replicated with the self-similarity property of the lambda fractal, and later translated into different kinds of timbers made by sound synthesis.

Lambda Fractal

This piece was originally created for the International Architecture Workshop "Hipófisis Digital 2011", that will take place in November at the Pontifical Xaverian University (Bogotá, Colombia), "Lambda" will be the sonic complement for a parametric sculpture built based on the lambda fractal form.

More about Algorithmic Composition:
Algorithmic Musical Composition
Hanna Järveläine
Helsinki University of Technology

More about "Hipófisis 2011" (Spanish Only)
Hipófisis Digital 2011

Listen to "Lambda":

01 - Lambda by eventhorizonaudio